
Lightning Fang

Lightning Fang in Genshin Impact. Razor combat talent, normal attack, charge attack, plunge attack, stats, ascension materials.
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Summons the Wolf Within which deals Electro DMG to all nearby opponents. This clears all of Razor's Electro Sigils, which will be converted into elemental energy for him.

The Wolf Within will fight alongside Razor for the skill's duration.

The Wolf Within

  • Strikes alongside Razor's normal attacks, dealing Electro DMG.
  • Raises Razor's ATK SPD and Electro RES.
  • Causes Razor to be immune to DMG inflicted by the Electro-Charged status.
  • Disables Razor's Charged Attacks.

The effects end when Razor leaves the battlefield.
When Razor leaves the field, a maximum of 10 Energy will be returned to him based off the duration remaining on this skill.

Attributes (Stats)

Level 1 - 5

Elemental Burst DMG%160172184200212
Soul Companion DMG%2425.827.63031.8
Normal Atk SPD Bonus%2628303234

Level 6 - 10

Elemental Burst DMG%224240256272288
Soul Companion DMG%33.63638.440.843.2
Normal Atk SPD Bonus%3637383940

Talent Level Up Materials

2Teachings of Resistancex3Damaged Maskx6-
3Guide to Resistancex2Stained Maskx3-
4Guide to Resistancex4Stained Maskx4-
5Guide to Resistancex6Stained Maskx6-
6Guide to Resistancex9Stained Maskx9-
7Philosophies of Resistancex4Ominous Maskx4Dvalins Clawx1
8Philosophies of Resistancex6Ominous Maskx6Dvalins Clawx1
9Philosophies of Resistancex9Ominous Maskx15Dvalins Clawx1
10Philosophies of Resistancex12Ominous Maskx20Dvalins Clawx2

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