
How to farm Mora Guide

Genshin Impact how to farm Mora. Mora guide. Best ways to get Mora. Northland Bank. Anemo Sigil. Geo Sigil. Gold Ley Line outcrop - Blossom of Wealth. Exchange Mora. Battle Pass. Selling items. Selling artifacts.
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update 27/10/2020

How to farm Mora

At lower levels, getting Mora seems pretty easy because you get plenty through rewards, and you may not use it that much since you don't know what to use it for. But in higher levels, trying to get Mora can be quite difficult since everything related to upgrades gets super pricy. So here are some ways to get some Mora!

Ley Line Outcrop - Blossom of Wealth

The main way, is of course, by doing the gold Ley Line. This costs 20 resin to get, which means it takes about 160 minutes (8 minutes per resin * 20) or close to 3 hours to do 1 run. It might not seem to give that much, but it also gives the highest amount for a quick run. The amount you get per run depends on your Adventure Rank, or World level, so it's not recommended to use your fragile resins for the gold ley line early on.

Condensed Resin

You can also use your Condensed Resin on the Mora Ley Line. It costs 40 resin to make 1, so using it to claim the rewards will give you double the rewards as well.


This definitely doesn't give nearly as much as a single run in a gold ley line. It's generally recommended to try and get other materials through expedition since it uses real time to complete, and other materials can be annoying to try and find/farm, but if you're desperate enough, this can be considered a consistent source of mora. Use characters like Bennett, or Fischl that have passives to reduce expedition time so they finish faster.

Selling artifacts

Unused lower rarity artifacts are commonly used to feed to your higher rarity ones for exp, but they can also be sold for some gold. This only works for rarity 3 or lower artifacts. To do this, go to your inventory, then in the artifacts section, tap the trash icon on the very bottom left of the screen and select your artifacts. A rarity 3 sells for 1260 Mora, 2 star is 840, and 1 star is 420.

Artifacts can be found by opening common chests or exploration. There is a place that consistently refreshes its supply of lower level artifact, and it's located in the area shown in the pic above near Wangshu inn. There will be a small opening to a basement where you can investigate the pots for some free artifacts.

Gold Mole

Gold Mole
Gold Mole

You might encounter a gold mole when you're out exploring. When you approach them, they will dig and go underground. Get close to the hole and "investigate" it, the mole will then get some distance from you and go back up. Attack it and you will get around 500+ Mora when it's defeated.


While it definitely doesn't give a lot per boss, Mora is also a guaranteed drop from these small bosses on top of their specific boss drop, and there are A LOT of these bosses roaming around on the map. You can try to find them individually by tapping on the navigate button and chase them around, but there is a limit to how many there are before they respawn again. This can be a decent option if you also need a drop material from them so it's two birds with one stone.


This is something you want to make sure that you complete every day. Commissions are a daily thing, and they change every day, so if you miss out on any of them, then it's essentially Mora lost. These daily tasks also give a lot of Adventure Exp too, and they are always needed.


Events may happen here and there, and while the main reward might not be Mora, be sure to check the achievements that you can get by doing the event. Events like these are time limited as well, so you don't want to miss them.

Exchange Mora

You can exchange your Anemo Sigils, or Geo Sigils, for Mora by talking to the jewelry store npc that's available in Mondstadt and Liyue shown with a diamond icon. You get sigils from opening chests, or sometimes they are stuck on a wall that you can interact. There are 2 Mora options from these shops, one is the cheaper but limited version, and the other is double the price but unlimited.

The one in Mondstadt costs 1 sigil for 1600 Mora and you can buy 60 (1600 x 60 = 96000 Mora) of them before it's out of stock permanently, the one in Liyue also costs 1 Geo Sigil, but you can buy 120 of them (1600 x 120 = 192000 Mora) before they are out.

The other exchange is by using Masterless Stardust. You get these whenever you do a summon/wish/pull. You can view this by going to the "shop" section through the main menu. Similar to the Jewelry store, there is a cheaper but limited version, and a more costly but limitless version. This is probably the closest thing the game has to actually buying Mora using real money. So if you are a heavy spender, this can be an option for some quick cash.

Northland Bank

If you want a quick surge of free 200k Mora, you can claim it from a treasure in Northland bank in Liyue City.

Go up the stairs right beside the Jewelry store in Liyue. Keep going straight till you reach the end, then turn right and up the stairs again until you reach the top.

Go into the Northland Bank.

Take the stairs on the side of the main counter, and you will see a treasure that gives 200k Mora!

Battle Pass rewards

You unlock the Battle Pass when you reach Adventure Rank 20. Completing tasks for the Battle Pass will give Battle Pass Exp (BEP), and gaining levels give plenty of rewards, including plenty of Mora. You want to make sure that you complete the tasks so that you are not missing on the daily exp if you want to level up and get those Moras.

The Mora reward is at around every 3 BP levels, and you can buy levels using Primogems if you want to rush. The paid version gives a hefty bonus Mora compared to the free version, so it can essentially be seen as another way of buying Mora using real money if you want to go that route.

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