
How can I claim ascension rewards?

Can someone help me claim ascension reward acquaint fate?


Answer List

From the character page, tap the button on the top right with the stars icon. Then just tap the ones you have unlocked.

Question List

Delete Mihoyo account

Is there any chance to delete my Mihoyo account? The website won't let me use link my user n...

Do treasure chests respawn in Genshin?

I've heard that treasure chests repop in the game. I have never found repopped one however. ...

What are weekly bosses in Genshin?

What are weekly bosses? What makes them be different from other bosses?

What should I do with no resin fragment?

After reaching rank 45, I've spent all resin fragment. I only play daily commissions now. Is...

Noelle or Bennet?

As a healer, which character is better? Or, which should I spend exp materials on first?

Any way to farm EXP materials?

Is spending resin for ley line blossom only way to farm exp materials?

Artifact exp farm without resin?

Is there any way to farm artifacts with no resin? I really need more artifact exp.

mechanic's demage output

hot to calculate the damage output ? if we have some stats, look likes : ex ==> elemental bu...



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UID: 629447519 UID: 653240884 Server: America Friend and I are bored lately and are looking ...
there's a chest if you tp to the Clear Pool and Mountain Cavern domain and use the treasure ...
"Genshin Impact is an incredible game. I found this game here
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