
Genshin Impact Recipes Location

Genshin Impact recipes. Genshin Impact foods. Genshin Impact dish. Genshin Impact cooking.
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There are 4 non-playable characters (npc) that sells recipe. Two of them are the ones with spoon and fork icon in Mondstadt and Liyue. The Pharmacist in Liyue is the leftmost section of the town. Ms. Bai npc in Qingce Village is next to the old lady's house. When you teleport to Qingce village, just turn left and drop down to the nearest house.

Tea Break PancakeWaitress in Mondstadt
Flaming Red BologneseWaitress in Mondstadt
Cream StewWaitress in Mondstadt
Calla Lily Seafood SoupWaitress in Mondstadt
Sauteed MatsutakeWaitress in Mondstadt
"Pile 'Em Up"Waitress in Mondstadt
Come and Get itWanmin Restaurant in Liyue
Grilled Tiger FishWanmin Restaurant in Liyue
Jueyun Chili ChickenWanmin Restaurant in Liyue
Crystal ShrimpWanmin Restaurant in Liyue
Black-Back Perch StewWanmin Restaurant in Liyue
Squirrel FishWanmin Restaurant in Liyue
Lotus Seed and Bird Egg SoupPharmacist in Liyue
Noodles with Mountain DelicaciesMs. Bai in Qingce Village
Qingce Stir FryMs. Bai in Qingce Village


Custodian of Clouds is a story quest. Food Delivery is from a daily commission.

Jewelry SoupCustodian of Clouds
Matsutake Meat RollCustodian of Clouds
Mora MeatCustodian of Clouds
Crab, Ham, and Veggie BakeFood Delivery
Sticky Honey RoastJean's Story quest
Zhongyuan Chop SueyOld Tastes Die Hard
Golden CrabMona's Story quest

City Reputation


Northern Apple Stew1
Adventurer's Breakfast Sandwich4
Moon Pie7


Golden Shrimp Balls1
Lotus Flower Crisp4
Tianshu Meat7


Mostly from treasure chests except for Barbatos Ratatouille.

Almond TofuWangshu Inn's Kitchen
Cold Cut PlatterEagle's Gate dungeon
Mondstadt Hash BrownTemple of the Wolf dungeon
Mushroom PizzaTop of the circle in Stormterror's Lair
Northern Smoked ChickenNext to the Statue of Seven in Stormterror's Lair
Barbatos RatatouilleNun npc near the edge of Stormbearer's Point
Adeptus' TemptationFloating Island in Qingyun Peak

Character dish specialty

In order to get a special dish, you have to cook the dish and change the character who cooks it to the one with a bonus.

BarbaraCream Stew
BeidouStir-Fried Filet
BennettTeyvat Fried Egg
ChongyunNoodles with mountain delicacies
DilucPile 'Em Up
FischlCold Cut Platter
JeanMushroom Pizza
KaeyaChicken Mushroom Skewer
KeqingGrilled Tiger Fish
LisaFlaming Red Bolognese
MonaSatisfying Salad
NingguangMora Meat
NoelleTea Break Pancakes
QiqiCome and Get
RazorMondstadt Hashbrowns
VentiBarbatos Ratatouille
XianglingBlack-Back Perch stew
XingqiuCrystal Shrimps

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UID: 629447519 UID: 653240884 Server: America Friend and I are bored lately and are looking ...
there's a chest if you tp to the Clear Pool and Mountain Cavern domain and use the treasure ...
"Genshin Impact is an incredible game. I found this game here
this is very useful, thanks
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