
Dandelion Breeze

Dandelion Breeze in Genshin Impact. Jean combat talent, normal attack, charge attack, plunge attack, stats, ascension materials.
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Calling upon the wind's protection, Jean creates a swirling Dandelion Field, launching surrounding enemies and causing Anemo DMG.
At the same time, she instantly regenerates a large amount of HP for nearby allied units and all party members. HP restored scale off Jean's ATK.

Dandelion Field

  • Continuously regenerates HP for one ally and imbues them with the Anemo attribute.
  • Deals Anemo DMG to enemies entering or exiting the field.

Attributes (Stats)

Level 1 - 5

Elemental Burst DMG%425457489531563
Field Entering/Exiting DMG%78.484.490.298104
Field Activation Healing ATK%251270289314333
Field Activation Healing Flat Bonus15401694186120412234
Continuous Regeneration ATK%25.122728.8931.433.28
Continuous Regeneration Flat Bonus154169186204223

Level 6 - 10

Elemental Burst DMG%595637680
Field Entering/Exiting DMG%110118125
Field Activation Healing ATK%352377402
Field Activation Healing Flat Bonus243926572888
Continuous Regeneration ATK%35.1737.6840.19
Continuous Regeneration Flat Bonus244266289

Talent Level Up Materials

2Teachings of Resistancex3Damaged Maskx6-
3Guide to Resistancex2Stained Maskx3-
4Guide to Resistancex4Stained Maskx4-
5Guide to Resistancex6Stained Maskx6-
6Guide to Resistancex9Stained Maskx9-
7Philosophies of Resistancex4Ominous Maskx4Dvalins Plumex1
8Philosophies of Resistancex6Ominous Maskx6Dvalins Plumex1
9Philosophies of Resistancex9Ominous Maskx15Dvalins Plumex1
10Philosophies of Resistancex12Ominous Maskx20Dvalins Plumex2

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