
Skyward Spine

Skyward Spine in Genshin. Base attack, secondary stat, passive bonus, rarity, rank, level, and ascensions.
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update 24/11/2020
Skyward Spine
EnglishSkyward Spine
Alternative Names天空之脊
How to ObtainSummon (Wish)
Secondly StatsEnergy Recharge
Passive NameBlackwing


LevelATKEnergy Recharge

Passive Effect

Refinement RankEffect
1Increases CRIT Rate by 8% and increases Normal ATK SPD by 12%. Additionally, Normal and Charged Attacks hits on enemies have a 50% chance to trigger a vaccuum blade that deals 40% of ATK as DMG in a small AoE. This effect can occur no more than once every 2s.
2Increases CRIT Rate by 10% and increases Normal ATK SPD by 12%. Additionally, Normal and Charged Attacks hits on enemies have a 50% chance to trigger a vaccuum blade that deals 55% of ATK as DMG in a small AoE. This effect can occur no more than once every 2s.
3Increases CRIT Rate by 12% and increases Normal ATK SPD by 12%. Additionally, Normal and Charged Attacks hits on enemies have a 50% chance to trigger a vaccuum blade that deals 70% of ATK as DMG in a small AoE. This effect can occur no more than once every 2s.
4Increases CRIT Rate by 14% and increases Normal ATK SPD by 12%. Additionally, Normal and Charged Attacks hits on enemies have a 85% chance to trigger a vaccuum blade that deals 85% of ATK as DMG in a small AoE. This effect can occur no more than once every 2s.
5Increases CRIT Rate by 16% and increases Normal ATK SPD by 12%. Additionally, Normal and Charged Attacks hits on enemies have a 50% chance to trigger a vaccuum blade that deals 100% of ATK as DMG in a small AoE. This effect can occur no more than once every 2s.

Ascension Materials

1stFetters of the Dandelion Gladiatorx5Chaos Devicex5Divining Scrollx3
2ndChains of the Dandelion Gladiatorx5Chaos Devicex18Divining Scrollx12
3rdChains of the Dandelion Gladiatorx9Chaos Circuitx9Sealed Scrollx9
4thShackles of the Dandelion Gladiatorx5Chaos Circuitx18Sealed Scrollx14
5thShackles of the Dandelion Gladiatorx9Chaos Corex14Forbidden Curse Scrollx9
6thDream of the Dandelion Gladiatorx6Chaos Corex27Forbidden Curse Scrollx18

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there's a chest if you tp to the Clear Pool and Mountain Cavern domain and use the treasure ...
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