
New Character: Klee & Sparkling Steps Event

Genshin Klee banner, sparkling steps event, new wish, limited time banner.
Genshin Breaking News
Xiao & Invitation to Mundane Life Event Wish
update 19/10/2020

Klee Banner Rate Up!

Klee rate up banner 1

Duration: 2020-10-20 18:00:00 ~ 2020-11-09 17:59:00 (Server Time).
During this period, if you summon on the banner rate up, getting a 5 star will have a 50% chance of being Klee! If you first 5 star on the banner is not Klee, then the pity system will guarantee that your next 5 star will be Klee. The rate of getting Xingqiu, Noelle, and Sucrose will also be increased in the banner.

Klee character information

Klee is a 5 star character in Genshin Impact. She uses a catalyst as a weapon, and her attacks are her throwing bombs. She is mainly a pyro elemental damage dealer, and with a constellation level 2, she can even reduce an enemy's defense by 23% for 10 seconds.

Is Klee good?

Klee is a strong Pyro type damage dealer, with some area of effect damage. Her elemental skill gives some nice coverage against multiple enemies, and drops some mines for extra damage. Her elemental burst will continuously damage enemies, but you can't really choose which enemy to target, so it's best used when there is only 1 big enemy. Her constellation will be a nice addition to have, since it will allow her elemental skill to reduce enemies' defense, and some boost to her skills in general.

Test run

Test run

If you are feeling unsure about whether you will like her or not, you can try her out in the test run that lasts until the Klee rate up banner is over. There's also the other 4 star characters that you might get if you try to pull for Klee.

Weapons rate up

Test run

In addition to the Klee banner, there is also a weapons rate up. Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds can be good for Klee since it comes with crit rate up, and Wolf's Gravestone is arguably the best recommended sword to get for Diluc if you happen to have him, but also a great claymore to use for any damage dealer that can use it in general.

Should you pull?

If you are lacking a good damage dealer, you can consider pulling for her, especially if it also works with her being a Pyro element in your team comp. The banner also comes with Sucrose rate up, and she's a pretty good Anemo support that can boost your team's damage. However, Xingqiu and Noelle also being in the rate up is not generally considered good, unless you have them at high constellations level.

Official Trailer for Klee!

Both the Chinese version and Korean version of Genshin Impact has released a new character trailer, and it's Klee! Most likely the new character banner to be released after Venti banner expires.

Klee trial


Players can already try out Klee in the game right now. You need to be at Adventure Rank 32 and unlock the story quests feature. Unlock them using keys that you get by doing 8 commissions, which will take 2 days.


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