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Got left out before. It's updated now.
Of course it a game that has hundreds of players playing Tho it’s kinda sus But who cares it’s going to be a surprise in any way
just wanted to say I found around 10+ at the statue of seven near the dawn winery, not labeled on this guide, in game, or any other guide I saw online. probably more than 9 if you look around a bit more
really? still seems like they have a lot of keys left though.
Had to double check, and you are right. It's fixed now. Thanks for pointing it out!
Diona 1
maybe you're in multiplayer mode?
dude, this set has Ajax written all over it
Thanks btw to the site owner :)
the design looks more western and nun-like to me. So i guess its rosaria
Fixed, thank you for pointing it out.
Plugging in your numbers, it's something like: (1000(your attack) * (1 + 50%)(element damage bonus)*(500%(skill multiplier))*50%(same level between you and your enemy)*(1 - 10%(enemy resistance)) + 20.000*33%(Zhongli 4th ascension passive)) * 120%(crit damage modifier) Not entirely sure yet if the 4th ascension passive is before the crit, but the result is roughly around 7425.
I had been collecting this things for days, it turned out that they respawn every 2 days
definitely highest burst character
Diluc 1
Is Diluc a relative of Himeko?



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there's a chest if you tp to the Clear Pool and Mountain Cavern domain and use the treasure ...
Looking for friends to play with! UID 629207294 NA server
"Genshin Impact is an incredible game. I found this game here
this is very useful, thanks
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